This mall is located in the heart of Zona Rosa. This is an upscale part of Bogota. Don't expect any super bargains here. You will find quality items at reasonable prices. If you can afford it you can buy shoes at this mall for over $1,000 US. A little too expensive for me. But there are lots of places in this area to find reasonable food. Look for some great discos in this area.
It's that time again in Bogota Columbia when the rainy season is over a lot of sunny days are on the way. Those rainy days in Bogota are something else. The sidewalks are often raised at least 12 inches from the roads. The reason they do this is the downpour of rain is so heavy. The good thing, is that these downpours usually only last for a few hours.
Now you can enjoy the crisp and fresh air of the mornings in Bogota. And, like many other countries this is the time for love and a new romances. One of the things that I like most about Bogota is that you can fly to almost anywhere in the world from their Elderado Airport.
One thing that visitors will find quickly is that accommodation is expensive. Unless of course, you are renting an apartment or room on a long-term basis. And when you rent an apartment or house in Bogota you should know that most of the time they are not furnished.
If you're on a limited income you really want to stay away from most of the hotels in Bogota. Take your time, rent an apartment or room and search for the apartment or house you want to live in on a long-term basis. You can save a lot of money if you rent long-term in Bogota Colombia.